Advances in Evidence-Based Mindfulness Programs
Sep 28, 2022Join this FREE virtual learning. event to learn the latest advances in evidence-based mindfulness programs. Dr. Zindel Segal, presents the latest advances in evidence-based mindfulness programs. This 1-hour online event is hosted by the Institute's Chief Learner, Michele Milan.
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Zindel Segal, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Psychology in Mood Disorders at the University of Toronto Scarborough. His program of research characterized psychological markers of relapse vulnerability in affective disorder which, in turn, provided an empirical rationale for offering training in mindfulness meditation to recurrently depressed patients in recovery. An author of over 10 books and 130 scientific publications, including The Mindful Way Through Depression, Dr. Segal continues to advocate for the relevance of mindfulness-based clinical care in psychiatry and mental health.
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