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[Workshop] Breath Anchors in Neurodiversity-Informed Mindfulness

member events Jan 24, 2024

This workshop explores practices developed in the science-backed research on neurodiversity and mindfulness. We will experience a practice and observe how we respond to a set of single or combined breath anchors. These are tools developed in the research being conducted at the CAMH Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre.  Participants will then have an opportunity to share with the broader community in breakout rooms how we find the tools, and explore other ways of increasing accessibility in our mindfulness groups and practices. 

  • Learning: Deepen the practice of neurodiversity-informed breath tools and share knowledge with community in group discussion 
  • Practice: Explore single or combined breath anchor techniques 

Recorded on Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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This innovative workshop series will provide you with the knowledge to seamlessly integrate neurodiversity-informed techniques into your professional practice. Each workshop will provide an interactive exploration of the latest neurodiversity-informed practices and insights, and will include new additional resources, along with opportunities for small group discussions and engaging dialogue. 


Sue Hutton MSW/RSW, Creator of the Neurodiversity-Informed Mindfulness course Sue Hutton MSW., RSW. has over 30 years of experience as a social worker and in mindfulness training. Sue has been developing neurodiversity-informed modifications for the MBSR curriculum with the CAMH Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre. This work is done in collaborative effort with neurodiverse advisors and their caregivers.

Jan A. Wozniak MA, APPA (he/him) is an autistic scholar, research advisor at the CAMH Azrieli Centre, and advocate currently completing training in psychology and disability studies at Toronto Metropolitan University.

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