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Environmental Compassion with Katharina Buchgeister

member events Apr 29, 2022
inner development goals mindfulness

How strongly does the welfare of the planet and its inhabitants influence your mindset and actions? Our Planet is not in a good condition. Global warming, massive biodiversity loss, immigration driven by extreme weather events. How do we change our ways? How do we create a future in which both people and nature thrive? We from the Inner Green Deal Initiative believe that a meaningful transformation starts from the inside. Reconnecting to inner qualities such as openness, compassion and courage. Seeing the reality of environmental suffering and taking actions that intend to relieve that suffering. During this session you will practice environmental compassion and reflect on the benefits of cultivating an “open heart and a strong back”.

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Featured Speaker: Katharina Buchgeister, Facilitator & Mindfulness based Systemic Coach, Awaris GmbH, Inner Green Deal

As a facilitator and systemic coach for leaders in politics and business, Katharina focuses on the ”inner human dimension” and genuine collaboration as important levers for sustainable transformation. She combines 20 years international business background with expertise in mindfulness, holistic inner development and systemic transformation.

Katharina is co-founder of the Facilitators for Future and part of the Inner Green Deal initiative which offers transformational programs to support current and future leaders in the process of inner growth, compassionate connection and collaborative sustainable action. We are supported by experts from the fields of climate research, economy and politics. All our programs are evidence-based. Our intention is to build a thriving community of change makers who are committed to our planet and its inhabitants and who are brave enough to lead, regardless of the odds. Inner change for outer action. LinkedIn

Host: Michele Milan, Chief Curator, MSGI

Michele Milan has spent over 20 years in leadership development designing and delivering leadership and governance programs for governments, corporations and organizations around the world. She specializes in mindfulness for leaders and as MSGI's Chief Learner, she is responsible for learning design, content curation and hosting.

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