Evidence for the Impact of Mindfulness on Individuals
Sep 11, 2022
Explore the latest evidence on the impact of mindfulness in this session featuring Dr. Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, a leading expert in neuroscience and mindfulness research. Gain valuable perspectives on how mindfulness supports mental health, well-being, and resilience.
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Judson Brewer MD PhD is an internationally known thought leader in the field of habit change and the “science of self-mastery”, having combined over 20 years of experience with mindfulness training with his scientific research therein. He is the Director of Research and Innovation at Brown University’s Mindfulness Center and associate professor of psychiatry at the Medical School. Dr. Brewer has developed novel mindfulness programs for behavior change, including both in-person and app-based treatments for smoking, emotional eating, and anxiety. His current research interests include the intersection between mindfulness, emotion regulation and behavior change. His lab is studying this via multiple modes, including linking theoretical models to behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of action using experience sampling (aka ecological momentary assessment), EEG (e.g. source-estimated EEG neurofeedback), and fMRI methodologies. Additionally, his work bridges basic and clinical sciences through translational research that includes design, testing, and implementation of digital therapeutics in real-world settings. His work has been featured on 60 minutes, at TED.com (4th most viewed talk of 2016 with over 10 Million views), in documentaries, books and news outlets across the world. He is the author of The Craving Mind: from cigarettes to smartphones to love, why we get hooked and how we can break bad habits (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017).
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