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Happiness Independent of Conditions: A pragmatic, accessible, and mindful approach to relief from suffering

member events Mar 08, 2021
Unified Mindfulness

In this program, Marcy Crawford, Senior Teacher, Unified Mindfulness will explain Shinzen Young’s classic formulation for the cause of suffering, the Unified Mindfulness definition of mindful awareness, and how applying the latter to the former can lead to “happiness independent of conditions.” Marcy will be instructing, offering a short demonstration and practice period, and taking questions about the Unified Mindfulness approach and its training programs during this hour.

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Featured Speaker: Marcy Crawford Senior Teacher, Unified Mindfulness; Founder, Embodied Teaching

Marcy Crawford is Senior Teacher and Director of Coach Development at Unified Mindfulness, and Founder of Embodied TeachingTM, an approach to mindfulness implementation in schools based on Unified Mindfulness principles. Marcy’s aptitude for working in complex and challenging environments, coupled with her extensive meditation background and practice, has enabled her to develop customized training programs in a variety of professional settings. After many years of service in public education, most recently as a school board president, she now works exclusively in the field of mindfulness training. In addition to working for Unified Mindfulness and consulting as a mindfulness in education expert, Marcy hosts weekly sitting groups, leads private retreats, provides one-on-one coaching to meditators, and mentors other coaches. Marcy’s own approach is classically individualized, and strongly informed by Unified Mindfulness, Rinzai Zen, and Advaita Vedanta teachings.

More about Unified Mindfulness and Shinzen Young 

The explosion in our collective consciousness of interest in mindfulness practice is in large part due not to the desire for relief from suffering, but from the democratization of the antidote. Suffering has been a constant throughout human history, but complete relief from suffering has historically been regarded as a possibility only for monastics, saints, and for common people after death or countless lifetimes. In our modern age, however, the core principles of contemplative practice have been distilled and secularized - allowing for laical approaches to spread rapidly across the world. Unified Mindfulness is particularly focused on making the reduction of suffering and increase of fulfillment accessible to all - regardless of religion, culture, or any other social construct. Shinzen Young created the Unified Mindfulness system in order to elucidate the causes of and solutions to individual suffering. It was designed so that anyone can understand the basic principles of why mindfulness practice works and how to implement a personal mindfulness practice.

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