Practicing Wholeness - Working with bias and interdependence
Mar 25, 2022
This On-Demand Learning opportunity, Practicing Wholeness: Working with Bias and Interdependence, examines the evolutionary roots of in-group and out-group behaviors and their impact on bias. Gain insights into fostering skillfulness and compassion by recognizing and addressing biases in any setting. In advance, we invite you to select and complete one implicit bias test provided by Harvard’s Project Implicit by clicking here.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand how bias can get in the way of experiencing interdependence
- Experience a Just Like Me evidence-based practice to support perspective-taking and cultivating wholeness
- Assess your biases by completing Harvard’s implicit bias test
CE Hours = 1
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Featured Speaker: Michael Apollo, MHSc, RP - CEO and Founder, Mindful Society Global Institute
Michael Apollo is a recognized leader in practical, research-based strategies for enhancing mental health and well-being. As CEO and Founder of Mindful Society Global Institute, he has introduced millions to effective, science-backed practices. Formerly the Director of Mindfulness Programs at the University of Toronto, Michael combines clinical expertise with real-world applications in his seminars. A registered clinician, he has collaborated with the UK National Health Service, the Canadian Parliament, and the World Health Organization. Michael is an innovator of award-winning mental health digital technologies used by health professionals at the Mayo Clinic, NASA, and Harvard. His work has been featured on Netflix and Reader’s Digest and is trusted globally for its innovative, research-based approach.
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