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The Kind Act of Choice, The Art of Trauma-sensitive Mindfulness

member events Feb 14, 2022
trauma-sensitive mindfulness practice

Experience a trauma-sensitive practice led by a seasoned facilitator. Understand the importance of a trauma-informed approach on your practice and to applying mindfulness safely and effectively.

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Juditta Ben David is the founder and directior of the MiA Project, psychotherapist and international lecturer in the field of Mindfulness-based treatment of trauma and resiliency building; MBSE, CRM, DARe, SE, EMDR. Meditator and advanced instructor of mindfulness and compassion practices. MBSR, MSC, and more. Juditta has volunteered with Syrian and Kurdish refugees and their counselors since 2014. She is the ToWo & MiA director and senior trainer, and a cross cultural group facilitator and has trained professionals in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East since 2000.

She is also a singer and an authentic movement facilitator.

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