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Lovingkindness: Feeling Connection with Self, Others and the World

member events Mar 06, 2022

The practice of lovingkindness, also known as unconditional friendship or metta, is a foundational practice that has come from buddhist psychology. This practice empowers us to befriend ourselves and extend this loving and compassionate state to others. It is the basis of compassion and a seed for happiness and well-being, and in particular, may be an effective antidote to loneliness.

In this practice event, you will:

  • Learn what lovingkindness is and what to expect when practicing lovingkindness
  • Be provided with options to practice lovingkindness in a way that is accessible to you
  • Experience a lovingkindness practice and hear from others about their experience.

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Featured Speaker: Michael Apollo MHSc RP, Founder of Mindful Society Global Institute

Michael Apollo is the Founder of Mindful Society Global Institute. He is the former Director of Mindfulness Programs at the University of Toronto, a registered psychotherapist, and a certified teacher in mindfulness-based programs (MBSR and MBCT). His work has introduced millions of people worldwide to the science-based benefits of mindfulness. He currently lives in Toronto, Canada and has a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter who continue to be his greatest mindfulness teachers.

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