Haiku in Your Pocket
Jul 22, 2021
Discover Haiku In Your Pocket, an On-Demand Learning opportunity exploring the art of haiku as a pathway to mindfulness and connection. Experience how haiku poetry fosters awareness, presence, and a deeper connection to nature and the rhythms of life. Learn how to use haiku as a tool for healing and hope, creating moments of joy and spreading positivity. This session offers practical guidance to integrate haiku into your personal and professional mindfulness practice, bringing a renewed sense of freedom and inspiration.
CE Hours = 1
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Featured Speaker
Anne Dunnett is a haiku poet and visual designer based on Vancouver Island. Haiku is an invitation to be in the moment and connect with nature. In 2006 Anne’s interest and studies in Zen Arts led her to learn more about haiku poetry when she began writing and hasn’t stopped since. She became involved with the Vancouver Haiku Group and learned as much as she could about haiku. During this time she created Everyday Haiku with a line of art cards and gifts. Since then her interest in mindfulness has grown and evolved into the discovery of the strong connection between mindfulness and the philosophy of what haiku represents. Her experience from writing haiku has shown her that haiku is a powerful tool for mindfulness that is healing. This has brought wholeness into her life with a deep purpose in the form of haiku which has led her to a lifestyle filled with endless benefits and possibilities. Her purpose and passion is sharing with others how the philosophy of haiku can offer a new way of looking at life.
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