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Offering Mindfulness Services: What You Need To Know To Start or Expand Them

member events Jan 13, 2021
the calm monkey

Whether you are curious about or have started to offer mindfulness sessions, talks or services in the workplace or community, this may seem like a daunting, albeit exciting, adventure. Wouldn’t it be great to get some insight into the current landscape and key considerations for success? Those who are passionate about their own mindfulness practice often think about how they can share their knowledge to help others, especially in these currently ultra-challenging times. After training and certifying over 375 mindfulness meditation facilitators worldwide and working with organizations since 2014, Wendy Quan will cover these topics. This is a must-attend session to address how to start or expand your desire to help others.

This session will describe the landscape of:

  • Who is offering services
  • How services are offered – as a volunteer or service provider
  • Cautions
  • What services to offer / what the ‘client’ is asking for
  • Recommended training and experience

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Featured Speaker: Wendy Quan, The Calm Monkey

Wendy Quan is the pioneer in workplace mindfulness facilitator training & certification through her business called The Calm Monkey. Her very practical program shows experienced meditators the best practices of how to implement mindfulness at work and become a skilled mindfulness facilitator. She is also a pioneer in combining change management with mindfulness to help people through difficult change. Wendy has an extensive corporate background, has taught her program at the Greater Good Science Center’s conference at UC Berkeley and has trained over 375 facilitators worldwide.

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