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Screen Inquiry Practice with Jay Vidyarthi

member events Sep 14, 2022
mindfulness and technology

Jay will lead us through a guided inquiry into our relationship with our screens. We’ll reflect on our physical and virtual environments with awareness, exploring what they might tell us about who we are. We’ll conclude with an optional intention-setting aimed at taking a clear action to cultivate a healthier relationship with our technology.

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Featured Speaker: Jay Vidyarthi, Design Strategist, MSGI

Jay Vidyarthi is an attention activist working toward a society where tools for self-care and mental health are as diverse as the people who need them. He believes mindfulness will empower individuals to reclaim choice in the attention economy. As a designer, Jay has helped launch mindful technologies like Muse: the brain sensing headband, Sonic Cradle, the Healthy Minds Program, and 10+ more. Jay serves on the advisory council for the Mindful Society Global Institute, he’s taught design at major educational institutions, and he has been recognized and featured internationally (Harvard, ACM, MIT, UToronto, Forbes, Vice, Fast Company, TED, etc).

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