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[Real-World Case Study] The Mindful Clinic: Enhancing Patient Well-being with Psychotherapy and Mindfulness Practices

member events Mar 04, 2024

 This case study follows our featured member, Dr. Ludmila Vokac, a physician who after recognizing the profound impact of mental health on physical well-being, shifted focus to incorporate psychotherapy and mindfulness practices into her clinic. Over the past decade, she has been teaching mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to both individuals and groups, witnessing tangible benefits in patients' lives.

What you will hear about:

  • Mindfulness and MBCT can serve as effective tools for managing stress and improving overall well-being, even in challenging situations.
  • Practicing mindfulness not only benefits individuals directly involved but can also have positive ripple effects, such as improved family dynamics and reduced stress in children.
  • While integrating mindfulness into healthcare requires patience and dedication, understanding the science behind neuroplasticity can help reinforce its efficacy and encourage patient adherence.

Engage in insightful conversations, exploring strategies to overcome obstacles and navigate the complexities of applying mindfulness professionally. Whether you come to listen or share, your participation is welcomed!


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Featured Member: Ludmila Vokac M.D., Physician/Psychotherapist

Ludmila Vokac, M.D., is a Physician/Psychotherapist at the Don Mills Family Health Team, with over 35 years of experience serving the community. Originally from Czechoslovakia, she began her medical career as a pediatrician before relocating to Canada. Over the past decade, Dr. Vokac has focused on integrating mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) into her practice, emphasizing the vital connection between mental and physical health.

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